Come visit us and see why The Coral Reef Shop is making a big splash here in Burlington.

We strongly promote responsible reef keeping.
The Coral Reef Shop is concerned with sustaining natural reefs. We only deal with reputable exporters who also share our values. In addition to wild coral and fish, we also stock aquaculture & mariculture corals and captive bred fish.
You are always welcome to drop in and see our stunning reef display tank. We are staffed by knowledgeable aquarists who welcome the opportunity to assist you and share their knowledge. We occasionally offer seminars on topics of interest appealing to everyone from the novice to most advanced saltwater aquarium hobbyists. Watch our “News” area to see when the next seminar is scheduled.
Since 2011
The Coral Reef Shop was founded in 2011 by two aquarists, Mark & Shawn (aka Mr. Wilson), with a strong passion for reef keeping. After years in the hobby, the two founders wanted to create a new style of reef shop.
Here are just a few things that set us apart
Best Practices
By following best practices we only offer you healthy fish and coral. A thorough acclimation, and disease treatment regimen is followed with every order.
Innovative Technology
We are the high tech reef equipment experts. We carry a full line of state of the art LED lighting, DC pumps and advanced filtration systems. For the do-it-yourselfers we can also help you build your own custom reef solutions.
In-store Credit
We will buy back healthy, quality livestock, providing our stock levels permit and the items are approved by our staff. You will receive an in-store credit equal to 50% of the initial value towards your next livestock purchase. Please contact us prior to bringing any livestock into the store.
Livestock Warranty
We offer a 24 hour warranty on all livestock. Should your livestock perish within 24 hours of purchase, simply bring it back to the store and we will give you 50% of its value as an in-store livestock credit. We provide detailed acclimation instructions to help you minimize stress.
We Deliver
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu dui volutpat, suscipit ipsum ut, gravida nisl. Phasellus in ante laoreet, bibendum dolor ac, auctor ligula.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu dui volutpat, suscipit ipsum ut, gravida nisl. Phasellus in ante laoreet, bibendum dolor ac, auctor ligula.”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eu dui volutpat, suscipit ipsum ut, gravida nisl. Phasellus in ante laoreet, bibendum dolor ac, auctor ligula.”
Our Latest Shipments
Reach Us
1371 Plains Road East,
Burlington, Ontario
Thanksgiving Monday 2022
Winter Hours:
- Tues. & Wed. CLOSED
- Thurs. 12Noon - 6pm
- Friday Dec. 8th CLOSED to Prepare for Shipment
- Sat. & Sun. 12Noon - 5pm
By Appointment for Front Line, Essential Workers, & Out of Town Guests